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Reference books about surface chemistry (Studies of Interface Science series)

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KINO recommends the following publications involving in surface and interfacial chemistry that selected by our specialists. These publications may be about how to measure contact angle or surface tension or what is surface tension and contact angle or how to apply theory surface tension or contact angle to practice. These publications can be used for training purposes or guidance for your application at your research institute or your company. We will be happy to share specific application information to aid your journey of surface chemisty. If you need our help in tracking down following publications, Please contact us. 


NO. Author/Editor Title Publisher Year
1 Dukhin & Kretzschmar & Miller     Dynamics of Adsorption at Liquid Interfaces, 1st Edition: Theory, Experiment, Application Elsevier, Amsterdam 1995
2 J.K.G. Dhont An Introduction to Dynamics of Colloids Elsevier, Amsterdam 1996
3 A.I. Rusanov and V.A. Prokhorov Interfacial Tensiometry Elsevier, Amsterdam 1996
4 T. Kajiyama, M. Aizawa New Developments in Construction and Functions of Organic Thin Films Elsevier, Amsterdam 1996
5 D. Exerowa, P.M. Kruglyakov Foam and Foam Films Elsevier, Amsterdam 1997
6 D. Mobius, R. Miller Drops and Bubbles in Interfacial Research Elsevier, Amsterdam 1997
7 D. Möbius, R. Miller Proteins at Liquid Interfaces Elsevier, Amsterdam 1998
8 V.N. Kazakov, O.V. Sinyachenko, V.B. Fainerman, U. Pison, R. Miller Dynamic Surface Tensiometry in Medicine Elsevier, Amsterdam 2000
9 P. Kralchevsky, K. Nagayama Hydrophile - Lipophile Balance of Surfactants and Solid Particles Elsevier, Amsterdam 2001
10 D. Moebius, R. Miller Novel Methods to Study Interfacial Layers Elsevier, Amsterdam 2001
11 E.D. Shchukin, A.V. Pertsov, E.A. Amelina, A.S. Zelenev Colloid and Surface Chemistry Elsevier, Amsterdam 2001
12 D. Möbius, R. Miller, V.B. Fainerman Surfactants: Chemistry, Interfacial Properties, Applications Elsevier, Amsterdam 2001
13 H.-C. Chang, E.A. Demekhin Complex Wave Dynamics on Thin Films Elsevier, Amsterdam 2002
14 Andrei S. Dukhin, Andrei S. Dukhin, Philip J. Goetz, Philip J. Goetz Characterization of Liquids, Nano- and Microparticulates, and Porous Bodies using Ultrasound Elsevier, Amsterdam 2002
15 A.S. Dukhin and Ph. Goetz Acoustics and Electroacustics of Disperse Systems Elsevier, Amsterdam 2002
16 Dietmar Mobius, Reinhard Miller Organized Monolayers and Assemblies: Structure, Processes and Function Elsevier, Amsterdam 2002
17 A. Satoh Introduction to Molecular-Microsimulation for Colloidal Dispersions Elsevier, Amsterdam 2003
18 R.C. Srivastava, R. Rastogi Transport Mediated by Electrified Interfaces Elsevier, Amsterdam 2003
19 Joseph D'Arrigo, Joseph D'Arrigo Stable Gas-in-Liquid Emulsions Elsevier, Amsterdam 2003
20 Shouci Lu, Robert Pugh, Eric Forssberg Interfacial Separation of Particles Elsevier, Amsterdam 2005
21 R.C. Srivastava, A.N. Nagappa Surface Activity in Drug Action Elsevier, Amsterdam 2005
22 Tian Hao Electrorheological Fluids Elsevier, Amsterdam 2005
23 Ignac Capek Nanocomposite structures and dispersions Elsevier, Amsterdam 2006
24 Andrei S. Dukhin, Philip J. Goetz Characterization of Liquids, Nano- and Microparticulates, and Porous Bodies using Ultrasound Elsevier, Amsterdam 2010
25 Joseph D'Arrigo Stable Nanoemulsions Elsevier, Amsterdam 2011


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