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standard contact angle meter SL200L

Number of hits:19342    Release time:2013-07-10

contact angle meter model SL200L series is standard type of contact angle goniometer, which developed by USA KINO in terms of its long-term experience, are standard drop shape analysis based interface chemical analytical instruments. Their modularized design makes tens of thousands of possible different combinations available, which is undoubtedly your above-all choice for the high precision and accuracy in interface chemical analysis. The integrated instrument consists of sophisticated optical mechanism, optical vision system, high-precision dosing system as well as CAST" 3.0-USA KINO's professional interface chemical analytical software. SL200L series
are applicable to measure static / dynamic contact angle, surface free energy of solid and its distribution (dispersive force, polar force and hydrogen bond force, etc.), interface tension of liquidgas / liquid-liquid as well as interface viscidity & elasticity of liquids (oscillating and expanding drop), etc. We provide clients cost-effective instruments with best performance - the most professional contact angle meters & interfacial tensiometers and technical assurance in R&D and quality angle meter contact angle instrument contact angle goniometer

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MainPro : contact angle,contact angle meter,contact angle goniometer,surface tension,surface tensiometer

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