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brochure: surface tensiometer and interface tensiometer A80 series

Number of hits:14614    Release time:2012-11-05

 A80 series, focusing on meeting demands of high-quality and high-precision in research and measurement of interface chemical analysis. She is designed for the measurement of surface tension (ST) / interface tension (IFT) , analysis of equilibrium and dynamic contact angle, hydrophilic angle (CA / DCA) of solid materials, powder and fiber, as well as measurement of critical micelle concentration (CMC) of surfactant, Langmuir-Blodgett film and more are all characterizations of chemistry interface.


She's advancing in the equipment with the highest update speed (92Data/s) micro-analytical balance (0.01mg), precision vertical travel positioning stage controlled by stepping motor and digital temperature semiconductor sensor. The instrument advantages in such merits as simple operation, high precision and accuracy, highest speed, more sensitive reaction, most accuracy positioning with resolution of 0.007um and excellent quality.


A80 is equipped with CAST®1.0 which represents most advancing weight based interface chemistry analytical system. SM01, its main software module, adopts 3 kinds of different surface/interface tension measurement methods (3rd Young-Laplace equation correction based Wilhelmy plate method, DuNoüy ring method and classical Wilhelmy plate method) as well as powerful data management. She can be used for measurement of middle to high viscosity materials (-10000CP), equilibrium and dynamic surface / interface tension, surface tension of surfactant and its CMC. In addition, with software module SM02 - contact angle analytical system, she can also be used for measurement of Wilhelmy plate method based dynamic/static contact angle, contact angle of single fiber or fiber bundle; as well as modified, extended and wicking Washburn method based contact angle of powder, surface free energy of solid and its contributions (dispersion force, polar force, hydrogen bond value), density, sedimentation and penetration speed, tensioning force of single fiber, size-distribution analysis by sedimentation, Langmuir-Blodgett film, analytical balance, thermal analysis balance, water absorption and more.

Our international design, Global Sourcing and professional services provides you comprehensive, efficiency and professional solutions in interface chemistry measurement, which represent the leading level of weight-based interface chemistry equipment.

Outline of difference between surface tensiometer made by KINO



Order No




Auto Surface & Interfacial Tensiometer

- Simplified type of A101

- weight-based method

- resolution:0.01mN/m

- analytical balance,rear sensor

- all components from China



Full Auto Surface & Interfacial Tensiometer

- Basic and Entry-Level type

- weight-based method

- resolution:0.001mN/m

- analytical balance (resolution:0.1mg)

- rear sensor

- all components from China



Full Auto Surface & Interfacial Tensiometer

- Basic and Entry-Level type

- weight-based method,computer with pre-installed KINO software

- resolution:0.001mN/m

- analytical balance (resolution:0.1mg)

 - rear sensor

- all components from China



Full Auto Surface & Interfacial Tensiometer

- Standard model

- weight-based method

- resolution:0.001mN/m

- update speed:8Data/S

- analytical balance from Mettler Toledo

- organic glass door



Full Auto Surface & Interfacial Tensiometer

- Standard model

- weight-based method

- computer with pre-installed KINO software

- resolution:0.001mN/m

- update speed:8Data/S

- analytical balance from Mettler Toledo

- organic glass door



Full Auto Surface & Interfacial Tensiometer

- Research-based model

- weight-based method

- resolution:0.001mN/m

- update speed:23Data/S

- analytical balance from Mettler Toledo

- silicate glass door



Full Auto Surface & Interface Tensiometer

- Research-based model

- weight-based method

- computer with pre-installed KINO software

- resolution:0.001mN/m

- update speed:23Data/S

- analytical balance from Mettler Toledo

- silicate glass door



Weight-based interfacical chemistry analytical system

- Excellent model

- static/dynamic surface &interface tensiometer- data update rate:92data/S

- resolution:0.001mN/m

- analytical balance from Mettler Toledo

- silicate glass door with antistatic coating



Weight-based interfacical chemistry analytical system

- Excellent model

- static/dynamic surface &interface tensiometer

- data update rate:92data/S

- resolution:0.001mN/m

- analytical balance from Mettler Toledo

- silicate glass door with antistatic coating

- computer with pre-installed KINO software



Weight-based interfacical chemistry analytical system

- Excellent model

- static/dynamic surface & interface tensiometer

- data update rate:50data/S

- analytical balance from Satorious

- precision:200g/10ug

- silicate glass door with antistatic coating



Weight-based interfacical chemistry analytical system

- Excellent model

- static/dynamic surface & interface tensiomter

- data update rate:50data/s

- analytical balance from Satorious

- precision:26g/1ug

- silicate glass door with antistatic coating



Auto CMC Module

/Measurement of surfactant characteristic

- Syringe pump controlled by software

- sample chamber with magnetic stirrer

- eterminating critical micelle concentration(CMC) for surfactant

- calculation of surface excess and Bibbs free energy of adsorption,etc.



Weight-based contact angle analysis module

- Measuring dynamic contact angle

- Accessories including: one set of holders(0.05-6mm)and CAST1.0SM02 software



Contact angle analysis module of single fiber or fiber bundle

- Weight-based contaqct angle

- Measurement of dynamic contact angle

- Accessories including: one set of holders for single fiber and fiber bundles, and CAST1.0SM02 software



Contact angle analysis module of powder

- Contact angle measurement of powder by Modified, Extended and Wicking Washburn

- Accessories: filter papers, sample tubes, and CAST1.0SM02 software



Oscillating drop analysis module

Oscillating interfacial rheology analysis via sensing interface(Wilhelmy plate/Du nouy ring )for analysis of dynamic interfacial chemical properties



LB film analysis module

- Wilhelmy plate based Langmuir-Blodgett film analyzer with analysis of oscillating, expanding/contraction

- Functions: functional relationship between surface area (A) and surface tension (σ) /surface pressure π, and dynamic surface/interface tension analysisSurface Size:46W*50L),compression range: 1050mmBarrier speed0.02mm/min-262mm/min

Hot keywords of USA KINO:contact anglecontact angle measurement,  contact angle meter,  contact angle goniometer,  surface tensiometer, interfacial tensiometer,  surface tension measurement,  surface tension, surface tensiometry, contact angle measurement equipment and device, calculating surfac free energy, Determining Critical Micelle Concentration (CMC) of surfactant, made in China Method for choosing surface tensiometer NEW Method for choosing contact angle meter (goniometer) NEW Method for choosing interfacial tension meter NEW

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MainPro : contact angle,contact angle meter,contact angle goniometer,surface tension,surface tensiometer

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  • +1 (857) 626-5666