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brochure: spinning drop interface tensiometer TX500K

Number of hits:11673    Release time:2012-11-05

TX500K is expert interfacial chemical analysis system based on spinning drop shape analysis,which can be used for low/ultra-low interface tension analysis

TX500™-spinning drop interfacial tensiometer is a classical type of interface chemistry analysis system from USA KINO, which can be used in daily chemical goods, oil field tertiary recovery, micro emulsion, surfactant for low/ultra-low interface tension analysis. USA KINO offers comprehensive solutions for surface/interface tensiometer and contact angle meter and more

Hot keywords of USA KINO:contact anglecontact angle measurement,  contact angle meter,  contact angle goniometer,  surface tensiometer, interfacial tensiometer,  surface tension measurement,  surface tension, surface tensiometry, contact angle measurement equipment and device, calculating surfac free energy, Determining Critical Micelle Concentration (CMC) of surfactant, made in China Method for choosing surface tensiometer NEW Method for choosing contact angle meter (goniometer) NEW Method for choosing interfacial tension meter NEW

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MainPro : contact angle,contact angle meter,contact angle goniometer,surface tension,surface tensiometer

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