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ultra high pressure and temperature spinning drop interfacial tensiometer TX500HP

Number of hits:12186    Release time:2015-04-23

Ultra high pressure and temperature spinning drop interfacial tensiometer model TX500HP is special designed for measurement of interface tension (IFT) between liquid-gas/liquid-fluid system under high pressure and high temperature. Max pressure can reach to 70MPa and temperature range is between -30-200. IFT measurement via pressure and temperature is very useful for application such as Enhanced Oil Recovery (tertiary oil recover). TX500HP can be used to measure IFT between ASP or binary liquid mixture systems and crude oil in the simulated condition with high pressure and temperature with min value about 107mN/m. And beyond that, it can be used to measure IFT of your system with compressed liquid gas such as CO2 or natural gas with extra connector port for gas system.Ultra high pressure and temperature spinning drop interfacial tensiometer model TX500HP is special designed for measurement of interface tension (IFT) between liquid-gas/liquid-fluid system under high pressure and high temperature. Max pressure can reach to 70MPa and temperature range is between -30-200℃. IFT measurement via pressure and temperature is very useful for application such as Enhanced Oil Recovery (tertiary oil recover). TX500HP can be used to measure IFT between ASP or binary liquid mixture systems and crude oil in the simulated condition with high pressure and temperature with min value about 10-7mN/m. And beyond that, it can be used to measure IFT of your system with compressed liquid gas such as CO2 or natural gas with extra connector port for gas system.

ultra high pressure and temperature spinning drop interfacial tensiometry

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